D-Type Rendering Technology

Standard Suite

Extensions & Plugins

Power Suite

Apps & Tools

About D-Type


This page contains links to other websites maintained by third parties. Such links are provided solely for your convenience. We make no warranties or representations of any kind as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of any information contained in such websites. Inclusion of these links does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by D-Type.

  • Unicode Standard
    Official Unicode website.

  • Font Rasterization
    A reasonably good explanation of the font rasterization process.

  • SVG
    Scalable Vector Graphics — an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.

  • W3C SVG Working Group
    The W3C SVG Working Group developed and now maintains the SVG format.

  • OpenType
    An overview of the OpenType font format.

  • TrueType
    An overview of the TrueType font format.

  • PostScript fonts
    An overview of Adobe's numerous PostScript font formats.

  • Microsoft Typography
    Microsoft typography site with information, specifications and tools to support TrueType and OpenType font development.

  • Apple's Font Format Specifications
    Apple's Font Format Specifications

  • Microsoft Open Type Format Specifications
    Microsoft Open Type Format Specifications

  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
    A bitmap image format utilized by D-Type PowerDoc Editor, D-Type PowerDoc For Java and D-Type PowerDoc For ASP & .NET.

  • libpng
    The official PNG reference library. It supports almost all PNG features, is extensible, and has been extensively tested for over 18 years.

  • JPEG (named after the Joint Photographic Experts Group)
    A bitmap image format utilized by D-Type PowerDoc Editor, D-Type PowerDoc For Java and D-Type PowerDoc For ASP & .NET.

  • Independent JPEG Group
    An informal group that writes and distributes a widely used free library for JPEG image compression.

  • Vector Magic
    A popular bitmap-to-vector conversion program. Vectorized photographs and illustrations produced by this program typically contains hundreds or thousands of adjacent contours and, as a result, looks absolutely amazing when rendered using D-Type Direct Color Rasterizer.

  • zlib
    A popular general purpose compression library.

  • ICU LayoutEngine
    ICU LayoutEngine website.

  • HarfBuzz
    HarfBuzz text shaping engine website.

  • TLSF (The Two-Level Segregate Fit Allocator)
    This is an optional memory allocator that can be used with D-Type engines. It is fast, efficient and particularly suitable for embedded and/or real-time systems.